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Copying ROMS and BIOS

This section works exactly the same as the one you'll encounter if installing using Custom Mode

EmuDeck guide

Which option should I pick?

By selecting this option EmuDeck will open your Emulation Folder so you can manually copy your ROMS and BIOS, make sure you copy each game to its appropiate folder.

BIOS folders explanation

Some systems need BIOS or firmware to work, you need to extract them from your system and place them in the following locations without creating any additional subfolder:

System Location
Playstation 1 Emulation/bios
Playstation 2 Emulation/bios
Playstation 3 Must be installed using RPCS3
Nintendo Switch - Yuzu Emulation/bios/yuzu/
Nintendo Switch - Ryujinx Emulation/bios/Ryujinx/keys & firmware must be installed using Ryujinx
Nintendo Switch - Citron Emulation/bios/citron
Sega Dreamcast Emulation/bios/dc
Nintendo DS Emulation/bios
ROMS folders explanation

Each folder correlates to a system you can emulate.

Subfolder System
3do Panasonic 3DO
ags Amiga AGS
amiga Amiga
amiga600 Amiga 600
amiga1200 Amiga 1200
amigacd32 Amiga CD
amstradcpc Amstrad CPC
android No emulator available yet
apple2 Apple 2
apple2gs Apple 2 GS
arcade Mame
arcadia No emulator available yet
arduboy No emulator available yet
astrocde No emulator available yet
atari800 Atari 800
atari2600 Atari 2600
atari5200 Atari 5200
atari7800 Atari 7800
atarijaguar Atari Jaguar
atarijaguarcd Atari Jaguar CD
atarilynx Atari Lynx
atarist Atari ST
atarixe Atari XE
atomiswave Sammy Atomiswave
bbcmicro No emulator available yet
c16 Commodore 16
c64 Commodore 64
cavestory Cave Story
cdimono1 Philips CD-i
cdtv Commodore CDTV
chailove ChaiLove Game Engine
channelf Fairchild Channel F
cloud Used for Cloud Services
coco Tandy Color Computer
colecovision ColecoVision
cps Capcom Play System
cps1 Capcom Play System I
cps2 Capcom Play System II
cps3 Capcom Play System III
crvision VTech CreatiVision
daphne Daphne Arcade LaserDisc
desktop Remote Play Clients
doom DooM
dragon32 Dragon 32
dreamcast Dreamcast
easyrpg EasyRPG Game Engine
emulators Emulators links for ESDE
epic Not used
famicom Nintendo Family Computer
fba FinalBurn Alpha
fbneo FinalBurn Neo
fds Nintendo Famicom Disk System
flash Adobe Flash
fmtowns Fujitsu FM Towns
gameandwatch Nintendo Game and Watch
gamecom Tiger Electronics
gamegear Sega Game Gear
gb Nintendo Game Boy
gba Nintendo Game Boy Advance
gbc Nintendo Game Boy Color
gc Nintendo GameCube
generic-applications Not used
genesis Sega Genesis
genesiswide Sega Genesis WideScreen hacks
gx4000 Amstrad GX4000
intellivision Mattel Electronics Intellivision
j2me Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
kodi Not used
lcdgames LCD Handheld Games
lutris Not used
lutro Lutro Game Engine
macintosh Apple Macintosh
mame Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
mame-advmame Not used
mame-mame4all Not used
mastersystem Sega Master System
megacd Sega MegaCD
megacdjp Not used
megadrive Sega MegaDrive
megadrivejp Not used
megaduck Creatronic Mega Duck
mess Not used
model2 Sega Model 2
model3 Sega Model 3
moonlight Not used
moto Thomson MO/TO Series
msx MSX
msx1 MSX1
msx2 MSX2
msxturbor MSX Turbo R
mugen M, U, G, E, N Game Engine - No emulator available yet
multivision Othello Multivision
n3ds Nintendo 3DS
n64 Nintendo 64
n64dd Nintendo 64DD
naomi Sega NAOMI
naomi2 Sega NAOMI 2
naomigd Sega NAOMI GD-ROM
nds Nintendo DS
neogeo SNK Neo Geo
neogeocd SNK Neo Geo CD
neogeocdjp SNK Neo Geo CD - Japan
nes Nintendo Entertainment System
ngp SNK Neo Geo Pocket
ngpc SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
odyssey2 Magnavox Odyssey2
openbor OpenBOR Game Engine
oric Tangerine Computer Systems Oric
palm Palm OS
pc88 NEC PC-8800 Series
pc98 NEC PC-9800 Series
pcengine NEC PC Engine
pcenginecd NEC PC Engine CD
pcfx NEC PC-FX
pico8 PICO-8 Fantasy Console
pokemini Nintendo Pokémon Mini
ports Not used
primehacks PrimeHack
ps2 Sony PlayStation 2
ps3 Sony PlayStation 3
ps4 Sony PlayStation 4
psp Sony PlayStation Portable
psvita Sony PlayStation Vita
psx Sony PlayStation
pv1000 No emulator available yet
quake Quake
remoteplay Remote Play Clients
samcoupe SAM Coupé
satellaview Nintendo Satellaview
saturn Sega Saturn
saturnjp Not used
scummvm ScummVM Game Engine
sega32x Sega 32X
sega32xjp Not used
sega32xna Not used
segacd Sega CD
sfc Nintendo SFC (Super Famicom)
sg-1000 Sega SG-1000
sgb Nintendo Super Game Boy
snes Super Nintendo Entertainment System
sneshd Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Widescreen hacks
snesna Not used
solarus Solarus Game Engine
spectravideo Spectravideo
steam Not used
stratagus Stratagus Game Engine
sufami Bandai SuFami Turbo
supergrafx NEC SuperGrafx
supervision Watara Supervision
switch Nintendo Switch
symbian Not used
tanodragon Tano Dragon
tg-cd NEC TurboGrafx-CD
tg16 NEC TurboGrafx-16
ti99 Texas Instruments TI-99
tic80 TIC-80 Game Engine
to8 Thomson TO8
trs-80 Tandy TRS-80
uzebox Uzebox
vectrex Vectrex
vic20 Commodore VIC-20
videopac Philips Videopac G7000
virtualboy Nintendo Virtual Boy
vsmile VTech V.Smile
wasm4 WASM-4 Fantasy Console
wii Nintendo Wii
wiiu Nintendo Wii U
wonderswan Bandai WonderSwan
wonderswancolor Bandai WonderSwan Color
x1 Sharp X1
x68000 Sharp X68000
xbox Microsoft Xbox
xbox360 Microsoft Xbox 360
zmachine Infocom Z-machine - No emulator available yet
zx81 Sinclair ZX81
zxspectrum Sinclair ZX Spectrum

This is only available for SteamOS/Linux

EmuDeck guide This option will allow you to easily copy your ROMS and BIOS using an USB.


  • Insert a USB Drive in your system, click on Select your USB Drive and pick it on the selection menu. This will create a roms and a bios folder in your USB drive.
  • Leave the EmuDeck App open and eject your USB Drive, plug it into your computer and copy each game to its appropiate folder. If you have problems identifying which folder corresponds to each system read the "Rom folders explanation" down below
BIOS folders explanation

Some systems need BIOS or firmware to work, you need to extract them from your system and place them in the following locations without creating any additional subfolder:

System Location
Playstation 1 Emulation/bios
Playstation 2 Emulation/bios
Playstation 3 Must be installed using RPCS3
Nintendo Switch - Yuzu Emulation/bios/yuzu/
Nintendo Switch - Ryujinx Emulation/bios/Ryujinx/keys & firmware must be installed using Ryujinx
Nintendo Switch - Citron Emulation/bios/citron
Sega Dreamcast Emulation/bios/dc
Nintendo DS Emulation/bios
ROMS folders explanation

Each folder correlates to a system you can emulate.

Subfolder System
3do Panasonic 3DO
ags Amiga AGS
amiga Amiga
amiga600 Amiga 600
amiga1200 Amiga 1200
amigacd32 Amiga CD
amstradcpc Amstrad CPC
android No emulator available yet
apple2 Apple 2
apple2gs Apple 2 GS
arcade Mame
arcadia No emulator available yet
arduboy No emulator available yet
astrocde No emulator available yet
atari800 Atari 800
atari2600 Atari 2600
atari5200 Atari 5200
atari7800 Atari 7800
atarijaguar Atari Jaguar
atarijaguarcd Atari Jaguar CD
atarilynx Atari Lynx
atarist Atari ST
atarixe Atari XE
atomiswave Sammy Atomiswave
bbcmicro No emulator available yet
c16 Commodore 16
c64 Commodore 64
cavestory Cave Story
cdimono1 Philips CD-i
cdtv Commodore CDTV
chailove ChaiLove Game Engine
channelf Fairchild Channel F
cloud Used for Cloud Services
coco Tandy Color Computer
colecovision ColecoVision
cps Capcom Play System
cps1 Capcom Play System I
cps2 Capcom Play System II
cps3 Capcom Play System III
crvision VTech CreatiVision
daphne Daphne Arcade LaserDisc
desktop Remote Play Clients
doom DooM
dragon32 Dragon 32
dreamcast Dreamcast
easyrpg EasyRPG Game Engine
emulators Emulators links for ESDE
epic Not used
famicom Nintendo Family Computer
fba FinalBurn Alpha
fbneo FinalBurn Neo
fds Nintendo Famicom Disk System
flash Adobe Flash
fmtowns Fujitsu FM Towns
gameandwatch Nintendo Game and Watch
gamecom Tiger Electronics
gamegear Sega Game Gear
gb Nintendo Game Boy
gba Nintendo Game Boy Advance
gbc Nintendo Game Boy Color
gc Nintendo GameCube
generic-applications Not used
genesis Sega Genesis
genesiswide Sega Genesis WideScreen hacks
gx4000 Amstrad GX4000
intellivision Mattel Electronics Intellivision
j2me Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
kodi Not used
lcdgames LCD Handheld Games
lutris Not used
lutro Lutro Game Engine
macintosh Apple Macintosh
mame Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
mame-advmame Not used
mame-mame4all Not used
mastersystem Sega Master System
megacd Sega MegaCD
megacdjp Not used
megadrive Sega MegaDrive
megadrivejp Not used
megaduck Creatronic Mega Duck
mess Not used
model2 Sega Model 2
model3 Sega Model 3
moonlight Not used
moto Thomson MO/TO Series
msx MSX
msx1 MSX1
msx2 MSX2
msxturbor MSX Turbo R
mugen M, U, G, E, N Game Engine - No emulator available yet
multivision Othello Multivision
n3ds Nintendo 3DS
n64 Nintendo 64
n64dd Nintendo 64DD
naomi Sega NAOMI
naomi2 Sega NAOMI 2
naomigd Sega NAOMI GD-ROM
nds Nintendo DS
neogeo SNK Neo Geo
neogeocd SNK Neo Geo CD
neogeocdjp SNK Neo Geo CD - Japan
nes Nintendo Entertainment System
ngp SNK Neo Geo Pocket
ngpc SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
odyssey2 Magnavox Odyssey2
openbor OpenBOR Game Engine
oric Tangerine Computer Systems Oric
palm Palm OS
pc88 NEC PC-8800 Series
pc98 NEC PC-9800 Series
pcengine NEC PC Engine
pcenginecd NEC PC Engine CD
pcfx NEC PC-FX
pico8 PICO-8 Fantasy Console
pokemini Nintendo Pokémon Mini
ports Not used
primehacks PrimeHack
ps2 Sony PlayStation 2
ps3 Sony PlayStation 3
ps4 Sony PlayStation 4
psp Sony PlayStation Portable
psvita Sony PlayStation Vita
psx Sony PlayStation
pv1000 No emulator available yet
quake Quake
remoteplay Remote Play Clients
samcoupe SAM Coupé
satellaview Nintendo Satellaview
saturn Sega Saturn
saturnjp Not used
scummvm ScummVM Game Engine
sega32x Sega 32X
sega32xjp Not used
sega32xna Not used
segacd Sega CD
sfc Nintendo SFC (Super Famicom)
sg-1000 Sega SG-1000
sgb Nintendo Super Game Boy
snes Super Nintendo Entertainment System
sneshd Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Widescreen hacks
snesna Not used
solarus Solarus Game Engine
spectravideo Spectravideo
steam Not used
stratagus Stratagus Game Engine
sufami Bandai SuFami Turbo
supergrafx NEC SuperGrafx
supervision Watara Supervision
switch Nintendo Switch
symbian Not used
tanodragon Tano Dragon
tg-cd NEC TurboGrafx-CD
tg16 NEC TurboGrafx-16
ti99 Texas Instruments TI-99
tic80 TIC-80 Game Engine
to8 Thomson TO8
trs-80 Tandy TRS-80
uzebox Uzebox
vectrex Vectrex
vic20 Commodore VIC-20
videopac Philips Videopac G7000
virtualboy Nintendo Virtual Boy
vsmile VTech V.Smile
wasm4 WASM-4 Fantasy Console
wii Nintendo Wii
wiiu Nintendo Wii U
wonderswan Bandai WonderSwan
wonderswancolor Bandai WonderSwan Color
x1 Sharp X1
x68000 Sharp X68000
xbox Microsoft Xbox
xbox360 Microsoft Xbox 360
zmachine Infocom Z-machine - No emulator available yet
zx81 Sinclair ZX81
zxspectrum Sinclair ZX Spectrum
  • Insert the USB Drive back to your system and go back to the EmuDeck App and click on the Button to start and wait till all ROMS and BIOS are copied to your system.