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EmuDeck guide PPSSPP Tips and Tricks

How to Install Custom Textures


The PPSSPP Flatpak (installed by EmuDeck) does not use a named Memstick folder to manage its contents. Instead, the Memstick folder is located here: /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP.

Texture Pack Sources

This list is not exhaustive

How to Install Custom Textures

  1. In Desktop Mode, open PPSSPP, click the Games tab, click the Gear icon, Toggle Show ID.
  2. How to Install Custom Textures: PPSSPP-1
  3. Click the "three lines" icon to the left of the Gear icon. Note down the Game ID to the right of your game
  4. How to Install Custom Textures: PPSSPP-2
  5. In PPSSPP, click the Settings button, click the Tools tab,, click Developer tools, check Replace textures
  6. This option is enabled by default but if texture packs are not loading properly, you may want to double check that this setting is enabled
  7. In Desktop Mode, open the /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/ folder
  8. ~/.var is a hidden folder by default, click the Hamburger menu in the top right of the file explorer, click Show Hidden Files
  9. If one does not exist already, create a TEXTURES folder here, casing matters
  10. In the TEXTURES folder, create a folder matching your Game ID
  11. Using Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars as an example:
    • How to Install Custom Textures: PPSSPP-2
  12. Place your texture folders and files directly in the newly created GAME ID folder
  13. Using Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars as an example:
    • How to Install Custom Textures: PPSSPP-4
  14. Your texture pack will now be installed

How to Install Custom Shaders


The PPSSPP Flatpak (installed by EmuDeck) does not use a named Memstick folder to manage its contents. Instead, the Memstick folder is located here: /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP.

Shader Sources

This list is not exhaustive

How to Install Custom Shaders

  1. In Desktop Mode, open the /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/ folder
  2. {{ hiddenfolders }}
  3. If one does not exist already, create a shaders folder here, casing matters
  4. Shaders or SHADERS will not work, it must be named shaders
  5. In the shaders folder, place your custom shader files
  6. To enable the new custom shaders, open PPSSPP, click Settings, click the Graphics tab on the left, click Display layout & effects, click the + button under Postprocessing shaders and select your preferred custom shader

How to Create Custom Shader INI Files

Typically, the shader packs linked above will include a master INI file which will contain a set of good defaults that expand the repository of shaders you can use in PPSSPP. However, you can create custom INI files to mix and match shaders. This section will cover how to do that.

  1. Right click anywhere in the shaders folder, click Create New > Text File
  2. Name the newly created text file matching your shader file or something descriptive (For example CRT-Bloom.ini)
  3. Right click the newly created text file, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Use the following format:

  5. For example:

  6. Your custom shader will now be created. To enable it, open PPSSPP, click Settings, click the Graphics tab on the left, click Display layout & effects, click the + button under Postprocessing shaders and select your newly created custom shader

How to Use Cheats


The PPSSPP Flatpak (installed by EmuDeck) does not use a named Memstick folder to manage its contents. Instead, the Memstick folder is located here: /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP.

Cheat Sources

This list is not exhaustive

How to Use a cheats.db File

  1. In Desktop Mode, open /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/
  2. ~/.var is an invisible folder by default, click the Hamburger menu in the top right of the file explorer, click Show Hidden Files
  3. Create a Cheats folder here, casing matters
  4. If one exists, skip this step
  5. Place a cheat.db file in this folder
  6. Open PPSSPP, click Settings, select System, scroll down and check Enable cheats
  7. In Game Mode, open a game and either press the Escape Key hotkey: Steam + DPad Left or use the PPSSPP Steam Input Profile to open the Quick Menu
  8. Global Hotkeys
  9. PPSSPP Hotkeys
  10. Select Import from cheat.db, and check the cheat(s) you would like to enable
  11. Return to game and your cheat(s) should now be enabled

How to use Cheat Codes

  1. In Desktop Mode, open /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/
  2. ~/.var is an invisible folder by default, click the Hamburger menu in the top right of the file explorer, click Show Hidden Files
  3. Create a Cheats folder here, casing matters
  4. If one exists, skip this step
  5. Locate your Game ID
  6. To find your Game ID, open PPSSPP, click the Games tab, click the Gear icon, Toggle Show ID
  7. Note down the Game ID to the right of your game
  8. In the Cheats folder, create a file matching your Game ID with an .ini file extension
  9. Skip this step if an .ini file already exists matching your Game ID
  10. Example (Using Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - ULUS10160.ini):
  11. Open the .ini file and add your cheat to the bottom of the file
  12. Example (Using a 60 FPS cheat for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories):
  13. Save and close out of the .ini file
  14. In Game Mode, open a game and either press the Escape Key hotkey: Steam + DPad Left or use the PPSSPP Steam Input Profile to open the Quick Menu
  15. Global Hotkeys
  16. PPSSPP Hotkeys
  17. Select Cheats on the right
  18. scroll down the list of cheats and enable the cheat(s) you added to the .ini file
  19. Return to game and your cheat(s) should now be enabled

How to Roll Back PPSSPP to an Older Version

If you do not have access to a mouse and keyboard for the below section, use L2 to right click and R2 to left click. Alternatively, remote into your Steam Deck using one of the methods found in the FAQ, How do I remotely control my Steam Deck?.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole
  2. To see a list of prior versions of the emulator, type:
  3. flatpak remote-info --log flathub org.ppsspp.PPSSPP
  4. If Konsole prompts you to select system or user, enter 2 to select user
  5. Konsole will list a list of previous versions for the flatpak. The important line for each version is the Commit: line. The Commit: line will have a long accompanying alphanumeric string (the “commit” code). Copy the string for the version you want to downgrade to.
  6. Using Citra as an example:
    • How to Roll Back Flatpaks: 1
  7. To downgrade to the version you want:
  8. flatpak update --commit=put_commit_code_here org.ppsspp.PPSSPP
  9. Replace put_commit_code_here with the actual code you located in Step 2.
    • Using Citra as an example:
    • How to Roll Back Flatpaks: 2

If the above steps did not work and you are getting an error message along the lines of Flatpak not installed, your Flatpak is likely installed at the system level instead. Select one of the below solutions:

Solution 1: Open the EmuDeck application, click the Manage Emulators page, select the emulator in question, and click Reinstall / Update.

Solution 2: Add sudo in front of the commands written in Step 2 and Step 5. In Step 2, write sudo flatpak remote-info --log flathub org.ppsspp.PPSSPP and in Step 5, write sudo flatpak update --commit=put_commit_code_here org.ppsspp.PPSSPP.

How to Use the Original PSP Font

Legally, PPSSPP cannot use the original PPSSPP font and instead uses an open source font, "Roboto-Condensed". However, switching to the original PPSSPP font is easy.

Before proceeding with the below steps, dump the original font from a PSP. You can find the font in the flash0/font folder.

  1. Open the /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP folder
  2. ~/.var is a hidden folder by default, click the Hamburger menu in the top right of the file explorer, click Show Hidden Files
  3. Create a flash0 folder in /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP
  4. Create a font folder in /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/flash0
  5. Place your fonts in /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/flash0/font
  6. Your fonts are now installed

How to Configure Language Settings


  1. In Desktop Mode, open PPSSPP
  2. On the right, click Settings
  3. Click the System tab
  4. To the right of Language, select your preferred language in the drop-down menu


  1. In Desktop Mode, open the /home/deck/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM folder
  2. Right click ppsspp.ini and click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  3. Under the [SystemParam] section, locate Language = 1
  4. Replace 1 with your preferred language:
  6. ENGLISH 1
  7. FRENCH 2
  8. SPANISH 3
  9. GERMAN 4
  10. ITALIAN 5
  11. DUTCH 6
  13. RUSSIAN 8
  14. KOREAN 9
  17. Save and exit out of the text file