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EmuDeck guide PCSX2 Tips and Tricks

How to Verify ROMs

If you have a ROM that is not launching, you can verify your ROM directly in PCSX2. Verifying your ROM confirms whether you have a good dump or a bad dump. If you have a bad dump, your issue may be that your ROM either transferred incorrectly or that you have a bad dump.

If your ROM transferred incorrectly, see How to Transfer Files to a Steam Deck for a few methods.

If you have a bad dump, you will need to re-dump your PlayStation 2 ROM, following PCSX2's guide. For the dumping guide, see

If you have a good dump, your issue lies elsewhere. Make sure you have PlayStation 2 BIOS directly in the Emulation/bios folder and make sure PCSX2 is up to date. If neither of these resolve your issue, make sure to either check Google or retrieve a PCSX2 log so you can share it with the PCSX2 team.

How to Verify ROMs

Note: Make sure PCSX2 is up to date first. Verifying ROMs directly in PCSX2 is a fairly new feature.

  1. Open PCSX2
  2. If you are in Big Picture mode:
  3. Press the square icon in the top right
  4. Click View at the top
  5. Click Game List
  6. Right click a game
  7. Click Properties
  8. On the Summary tab, click Verify on the right of the screen and wait a few moments
  9. After a few moments, you will see either a green checkmark or an x in addition to a message indicating if your ROM was verified
  10. PCSX2: How to Verify ROMS

How to Optimize Performance (Power Tools)

Visit Power Tools to learn how to optimize performance using Power Tools.

How to Optimize Storage (Compression Tool)

To optimize storage, you can use the EmuDeck Compressor within EmuDeck.

The EmuDeck Compressor will compress your Playstation 2 ROMs from ISO or BIN/CUE to CHD. If your ROM is a BIN/CUE, the Compression Tool will only compress it if you have both the BIN and the CUE files for a ROM. If the ROM is in a zip file or is missing a paired BIN or CUE file, the Compression Tool will not detect the ROM.

After running the EmuDeck Compression Tool, re-run Steam ROM Manager to update your ROM shortcuts to the newly compressed ROM.

Visual Reference:

How to Configure Multiplayer

Multiplayer for PCSX2 is configured out of the box, no additional configuration is needed.

You may need to re-arrange the controller order in Game Mode for your controllers to function as expected. See How to Re-Arrange the Controller Order for more information.

How to Manage Multiple Discs

PCSX2 does not support M3U files.

You can manage multiple discs two ways:

Method 1: Hotkeys

  1. While in game, when you are ready to switch discs, press Select + R3 at the same time
  2. Select Change Disc and select your next disc

Method 2: Separate Game Entries

  1. When you are ready to switch discs, save and exit out of your game
  2. Open the next disc entry, either as a separate shortcut through Steam ROM Manager or a separate entry through EmulationStation-DE

How to Switch to Folder Memory Cards

By default PCSX2 stores each memory card as a single file. This does not have any compatibility problems, but means that once you hit the 8MB limit you will have to start manually swapping cards. You can get around this by converting to folders for your memory cards:

  1. Open PCSX2
  2. Settings menu > Memory cards
  3. Eject the memory cards you wish to convert, by clicking the appropriate eject icons near the top of the window
  4. Right click each card to convert, and select Convert
  5. Ensure the conversion type dropdown is set to "Folder" and click OK
  6. This process will create a new folder that is a copy of the original memory card file. The file will be left intact as a backup.
  7. Right click the newly converted memory card folder, and select Use for slot 1/Use for slot 2 as appropriate
  8. At the bottom of the window, ensure Automatically manage saves based on running game is checked

PCSX2 will now give each game its own separate memory card automatically.

How to Enable Big Picture Mode

Big Picture Mode: ES-DE

  1. Open the /home/deck/ES-DE/custom_systems folder and right click es_systems.xml, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the es_systems.xml file and paste the following above </systemList>

        <fullname>Sony PlayStation 2</fullname>
        <extension>.arcadedef .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .ciso .CISO .cso .CSO .dump .DUMP .elf .ELF .gz .GZ .m3u .M3U .mdf .MDF .img .IMG .iso .ISO .isz .ISZ .ngr .NRG .zso .ZSO</extension>
        <command label="LRPS2">%EMULATOR_RETROARCH% -L %CORE_RETROARCH%/ %ROM%</command>
        <command label="PCSX2">%EMULATOR_RETROARCH% -L %CORE_RETROARCH%/ %ROM%</command>
        <command label="PCSX2 (Standalone)">%EMULATOR_PCSX2% -batch -fullscreen -bigpicture %ROM%</command>
        <command label="PCSX2 Legacy (Standalone)">%EMULATOR_PCSX2-LEGACY% --nogui %ROM%</command>
        <command label="Play! (Standalone)">%EMULATOR_PLAY!% --disc %ROM%</command>
  3. Save and exit out of the text file, PCSX2 games will now launch in "Big Picture Mode" from ES-DE

PCSX2 ES-DE Big Picture Mode


Creating this custom system means that you will not receive any updates to the PlayStation 2 system in ES-DE if there are new configurations or emulators added or modified. You may monitor the file on ES-DE's repository for any changes and add them to the es_systems.xml file as necessary. See for the upstream version of the es_systems.xml file.

Big Picture Mode: Pegasus

  1. Open the Emulation/roms/ps2 folder and right click metadata.txt, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. On the launch: line, add -bigpicture after -batch -fullscreen and before "'{file.path}'"
  3. Save and exit out of the text file, PCSX2 games will now launch in "Big Picture Mode" from Pegasus

PCSX2 Pegasus Big Picture Mode

Big Picture Mode: Steam ROM Manager

  1. Open the Emulation/tools/launchers folder and right click, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Locate the eval "${exe} ${param} -fullscreen" line
  3. Add -bigpicture after -fullscreen and before the end "
  4. Save and exit out of the text file, PCSX2 games will now launch in "Big Picture Mode" from shortcuts in Steam created by Steam ROM Manager

PCSX2 Steam ROM Manager Big Picture Mode

How to Use Cheats


Individual Widescreen and "No Interlace" cheats are no longer supported. These are now officially bundled with PCSX2 and can be enabled in the per-game settings menu. For a tutorial on how to use these in PCSX2, read How to use Widescreen or No Interlace Cheats.

For more detail, read

Note: This change means that the cheats_ni and cheats_ws are no longer used by PCSX2. Do not use these folders. PCSX2 will not recognize any files placed in these folders.

Cheat Resources

This list is not comprehensive

You can find more information about PCSX2 cheats here:


Information on Cheats

Cheat files have a .pnach file extension. Sometimes websites will provide the raw content of a cheats file. You can copy and paste these contents into a text file, and save the file as CRC-descriptivename.pnach.

The website will usually provide the crc as an 8 character long alphanumerical string. Replace the CRC with the alphanumerical string and replace the descriptive name with the function of the cheat.

For example, a Controllable Party Members cheat for Persona 3 FES could be named: 94A82AAA-Controllable Party Members.pnach

Preparing the Cheat File

This section goes over identifying and creating headers for your cheats. Creating headers is not necessary to do but allows for easier cheat management in PCSX2. Headers allow you to toggle cheats on a per-cheat basis and allow you to identify your various cheats directly in PCSX2's GUI.

If you would simply like to add the cheat to PCSX2 without adding headers, skip to How to Use the Cheat File.

  1. Download the cheat file
  2. Open it in a text editor of your choice
  3. Check to see if the cheat file has headers at the top of each cheat bundled in the file.

    • The header is typically the name of the cheat in [] with an optional description or author

    • For example:

        [Controllable Party Members]
        description=This cheat allows you to control your party members in Persona 3 FES
  4. If the cheat file does not have headers, you can manually add them

    • The header is not required but allows you to toggle cheats on a per cheat basis in PCSX2
    • Note: If a cheat file has multiple sections for the same cheat, you can choose to add one header at the top of the file. This header will treat the cheat file as one cheat in PCSX2
    • You can now split cheats out into multiple files
    • Use the format: CRC-descriptivename.pnach
    • To add headers, use the following format, note that the author and description fields are optional:

For an example of a full cheat file with a header:

How to Use the Cheat File

  1. Place your cheat file, with a .pnach file extension in /home/deck/.config/PCSX2/cheats
  2. ~/.config is an invisible folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  3. Open PCSX2-QT
  4. Click the fullscreen button in the top right
  5. Right click a game, click Properties

If you are using the Big Picture GUI:

  1. Click the frowny face
  2. Toggle the Enable Cheats button
  3. Toggle the cheats you would like to use
  4. Repeat as needed

If you are using the Desktop GUI:

  1. Click Cheats on the left
  2. Check Enable Cheats at the top
  3. Toggle the cheats you would like to use
  4. Repeat as needed

How to Use Widescreen or No Interlace Cheats


Individual Widescreen and "No Interlace" cheats are no longer supported. These are now officially bundled with PCSX2 and can be enabled in the per-game settings menu. This section will go over how to apply the included cheats.

For more detail, read


  1. In Desktop Mode, open PCSX2
  2. Click the fullscreen button in the top right
  3. Click View at the top, click Game List
  4. Right click a game, click Properties
  5. Click Patches on the left, and check the Enabled box for the respective cheats you would like to enable

How to Set Game Settings On a Per-Game Basis

  1. In either Desktop or Game Mode, open PCSX2
  2. (Optional) Exit out of PCSX2's big picture mode by clicking the square box in the top right
  3. Right click a game
  4. In Game Mode, hold Steam and click L2 to right click
  5. Click Properties
  6. Select your settings, any settings changed in this menu will only be applied for this specific game

How to Install Custom Textures

Texture Pack Sources

This list is not exhaustive

How to Use Custom Textures Packs

Typically a texture pack download will come in the following format: GAMEID/replacements. For example, a Suikoden V texture pack will look like the following: SLUS-21291/replacements. The replacements folder will typically contain a large amount of texture files.

Do note that the Game ID may vary depending on the region or version of your ROM. A US and a PAL ROM may have different Game IDs. If a texture pack is made for a US version, it may not work for the PAL version.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open the Emulation/storage/pcsx2/textures folder
  2. Place your texture pack directly in the Emulation/storage/pcsx2/textures folder
  3. Open PCSX2
  4. Right click the game
  5. Click Game Properties
  6. Click Graphic Settings
  7. Scroll down to Texture Replacements and toggle Load Textures
  8. Optionally, toggle Asynchronous Texture Loading
  9. The custom texture pack will now be enabled for this game
  10. If you do not see custom textures loading, you can bind a "Texture Replacements" hotkey and toggle the texture pack on and off to see if it is loading. If the texture pack is not loading, you either have a mismatching ROM or the texture pack is out of date.

How to Mod Persona 3 FES


  • Persona 3 FES ISO

Aemulus Mod Manager

  1. Download Aemulus Mod Manager:
  2. For instructions on how to run Aemulus Mod Manager through Wine, see How to Set Up Aemulus Package Manager
    • Aemelus Package Manager through Wine is a little finicky so you may prefer to set it up on a Windows PC instead and transfer over a completed mod loadout
  3. Build a mod loadout:
  4. This guide will not go into detail on how to do this
  5. Your mod loadout will look similar to the below image:
  6. Proceed to the next section

On the Steam Deck

  1. In Emulation/roms/ps2, create a P3FES folder
  2. This is a recommendation, you may either use a different folder name or place the files directly into Emulation/roms/ps2
  3. Place your Persona 3 FES ISO in the P3FES folder
  4. Right click your Persona 3 FES ISO and click Open with Ark
  5. Extract these files to Emulation/roms/ps2/P3FES
  6. Delete all of the extracted files except SLUS_216.21
  7. Rename SLUS_216.21 to Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES - Modded.ELF
  8. The important part here is the file extension. You may rename the file to whatever you would like, but for the sake of differentiating the ELF and the base game in Steam ROM Manager, this section adds a - Modded to the end of the file name

Setting up the Mod Folders on the Steam Deck

  1. Move your mod folders to the extracted Persona 3 FES Extracted ISO Folder, Emulation/roms/ps2/P3FES

Setting up PCSX2

  1. In Desktop Mode, Open PCSX2
  2. Right click SLUS_216.21 in the game list, click Properties
  3. Enable Cheats and Host Filesystem
  4. On the Disc Path field, select your Persona 3 FES ISO

Setting up Cheats

  1. Download the attached cheat file
  2. Download: 94A82AAA.HostFS.pnach
  3. Place the cheat file in /home/deck/.config/PCSX2/cheats/
  4. ~/.config is an invisible folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  5. Right click Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES - Modded in the game list, click Properties
  6. Click the Cheats tab and enable Cheats
  7. Enable the following cheat: hostFS Patch
  8. If you are in the Big Picture GUI, the cheats icon is a frowny face

Setting up Steam ROM Manager

If you would like to launch Persona 3 FES directly in Game Mode, follow the below steps. You may also choose to open PCSX2 in Game Mode and open the Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES - Modded.ELF from the PCSX2 GUI instead.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Steam ROM Manager
  2. Select the PCSX2 parser on the left and add |.ELF to the end of the User's glob box. Click Save in the bottom left
  3. You may need to change themes to Deck or Classic first in the Settings tab
  4. Turn on the PCSX2 parser and parse your games
  5. You will see a large amount of seemingly junk entries from your mod folder, this is expected behavior. You can identify what each entry is by hovering over the text in the top left
  6. Click the Exclude button at the bottom
  7. Select all of the entries generated from your mod folder as well as the Persona 3 FES entry and click Save in the top right
  8. Do not exclude Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES - Modded.ELF
  9. If Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES - Modded.ELF does not match properly, read Steps 8-10. If it matches properly, skip to Step 11
  10. On the Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES - Modded.ELF entry, click the magnifying glass in the bottom left
  11. Search for Persona 3 FES in the search box, select it, and click Save and close
  12. Click Save to Steam
  13. You can now launch a modded version of Persona 3 FES directly in Game Mode

How to Roll Back PCSX2 to an Older Version


Your ROMs launch using a script created by EmuDeck, in Emulation/tools/launchers.

The script launches the corresponding emulator in /home/deck/Applications and specifically looks for two traits:

  • The most recently downloaded version of the emulator in /home/deck/Applications, based on the file/release date.
  • The emulator name at the beginning of the file. Anything after the emulator name is ignored.
  • For example, if the latest version of the emulator is 1351 and you would like to downgrade to 1349. When you download version 1349, you could rename it to EMULATORNAME-1349.AppImage, and EmuDeck's script will ignore the -1349 in the file name, allowing you to record which versions of the emulator you are using through the file name.

How to Roll Back PCSX2

  1. Download the version of the emulator you would like to use from PCSX2's website: or GitHub:
  2. Move the downloaded emulator from Step 1 to /home/deck/Applications
  3. (Optional) Rename or delete the original emulator file
  4. Right click the newly downloaded emulator, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is executable
  5. Your games will now launch using the version of the emulator you downloaded

How to Configure Language Settings


  1. In Desktop Mode, open PCSX2
  2. At the top, click Settings, click Interface
  3. Click the Interface tab
  4. To the right of Language, select your preferred language in the drop-down menu


  1. In Desktop Mode, open PCSX2
  2. At the top, click Settings, click BIOS
  3. Uncheck Fast Boot under Options and Patches
  4. Close out of the BIOS settings
  5. At the top, click System
  6. Click Start BIOS
  7. Select System Configuration
  8. Scroll down to Language
  9. Select your preferred language

How to Configure Pressure Sensitive Buttons

The S button on the keyboard is bound out of the box as a pressure modifier. To apply it to your PCSX2 games, you will need to use Steam Input.

Steam Input

  1. In Game Mode, select your ROM shortcut, the PCSX2 shortcut, or EmulationStation-DE
  2. Click the Controller icon
  3. Map your preferred button(s) to the S keyboard key
  4. One method is to use any of the back bumpers.
  5. While in game, press the button you mapped to the S keyboard key


The default pressure modifier is set at 30%. If you would like to adjust this setting, you may do so directly in PCSX2's settings.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open PCSX2
  2. How to Launch PCSX2 in Desktop Mode
  3. If you are in Big Picture mode, press the square icon in the top right to exit out of Big Picture mode
  4. At the top, click Settings, Controllers
  5. On the left-hand side of the screen, click Controller Port 1
  6. At tthe top, to the right of Dualshock 2, click Settings
  7. Scroll down to Modifier Pressure and adjust the pressure setting to your liking
  8. If you are in Desktop Mode, press X on the Steam Deck to open the keyboard
  9. When you are finished, click Close and your set Modifier Pressure will be automatically applied the next time you open your game


As an example, in Silent Hill 2, when clicking the right trigger (R2) and either L5 or R5 (the buttons bound to the keyboard key, S, in this example) together while using the A button, the attacks will be light. Release L5 or R5, but hold R2 and click A to attack as normal.

How to Configure Online Multiplayer

PCSX2 Servers:


  • In Desktop Mode, open Konsole or a terminal of your choice, enter the following commands one at a time:

  • sudo groupadd netdev
  • sudo usermod -a -G netdev deck
  • In Desktop Mode, open Konsole or a terminal of your choice
  • Enter the following commands, one bullet point at a time and press enter after each line:
  • distrobox create -i archlinux:latest -n pcsx2
  • distrobox enter pcsx2
  • sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && cd /tmp && git clone && cd yay-bin && makepkg -si && cd .. && rm -rf yay-bin
    • If you receive any prompts, press enter without typing anything in
  • yay -S pcsx2-git
    • If you receive any prompts, press enter without typing anything in
  • Exit out of the terminal once it is finished and proceed to the next step
  • Download the attached .sh file and place it in a folder of your choice
  • For the contents of the script, see
  • Right click, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  • Double click to open it
  • Use this file whenever you want to play online mulitplayer. Your shortcuts through Steam ROM Manager, ES-DE, or Pegasus will be using a separate version of PCSX2 not configured for online multiplayer
  • You may add this version of to Steam by right clicking it and clicking Add to Steam, you may want to give it a distinctive name in Steam so you do not mix it up with your other shortcuts
  • Click Settings, Network & HDD, check the Enabled box under Ethernet
  • Ethernet Device Type
    • Select PCAP Bridged, PCAP Switched, or Socket, depending on what game you are playing
  • Ethernet Device
    • Any if using PCAP Bridged or PCAP Switched
    • Auto if using Socket
  • Intercept DHCP
    • Leave unchecked
    • If you would like to manually tweak settings, check Intercept DHCP and adjust settings as needed
  • DNS1 Address and DNS2 Address
  • Hard Disk Drive
    • Check the Enabled box
    • Click Create Image in the bottom right corner
  • HDD File
    • /home/deck/.config/PCSX2/inis/DEV9hdd.raw
  • While in game, open the Networking settings and use the below spreadsheet or website for the DNS settings
  • Online multiplayer will now be configured for your game(s)


If you get a DNAS error when connecting, you will need to apply a DNAS bypass patch to your game. You can find a DNAS Bypass PNACH in the "Emulator (PCSX2)" column on the spreadsheet:

How to Update PSCSX2-Netplay

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole or a terminal of your choice
  2. Enter the following commands, one bullet point at a time and press enter after each line:
  3. distrobox enter pcsx2
  4. yay -Syu
    • If you receive any prompts, press enter without typing anything in
  5. Exit out of the terminal once it is finished and proceed to the next step
  6. PCSX2 will now be updated and you can continue using the script to use the latest version of PCSX2