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EmuDeck guide MAME Tips and Tricks

Maintaining ROM Versions

Ideally use ROMs that are the same version as MAME's version. MAME often releases improved versions of ROMs to fix issues. Issues are less of a concern with the most popular classics because most of those haven't changed in years. But to avoid having to track multiple different versions of your ROMs, most people just keep their ROM sets updated as the emulator updates.

To understand how MAME works, look up the difference between merged and split ROM sets, and learn what a sample and a chd are and how they're used in conjunction with ROMs to deliver a playable game.

Reference image:


Refer to, for additional information.

How to Configure Multiplayer

Multiplayer for MAME is configured out of the box, no additional configuration is needed.

You may need to re-arrange the controller order in Game Mode for your controllers to function as expected. See How to Re-Arrange the Controller Order for more information.

How to Determine if a ROM Requires BIOS

Some ROMs for MAME may require BIOS to run. For this section, these ROMs will be split into either System or Software ROMs. To delineate between the two simply, System ROMs are typically arcade ROMs and Software ROMs are usually computers or video game consoles.

How to Determine if a System ROM Requires BIOS

  1. In a folder of your choice, right click anywhere in the folder, and click Open Terminal here
  2. Enter:
  3. flatpak run org.mamedev.MAME -listxml > mame.xml
  4. This command will create a mame.xml file in the folder you chose in Step 1
  5. Right click mame.xml, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  6. Search the file (either using Ctrl + F or by clicking Edit --> Find) and type in isbios
  7. You will see a line that generally looks like the following:
  8. <machine name="MACHINENAME" sourcefile="PATH/FILENAME" isbios="yes">
  9. For example
    • <machine name="neogeo" sourcefile="neogeo/neogeo.cpp" isbios="yes">
  10. Let's break this line down, using neogeo as an example:
  11. <machine name="neogeo" sourcefile="neogeo/neogeo.cpp" isbios="yes">
    • isbios="yes" means BIOS are required for the Neo-Geo MV-6F
    • The machine_name= gives you the name of the BIOS file. BIOS files for System ROMs always have a .zip file extension. For neogeo, the bios will be
    • The list of files below the manufacturer typically comprise the files in a merged file. Using a merged may take up extra space but guarantees you have the BIOS necessary to play any Neo-Geo MV-6F ROM
  12. Place your BIOS in Emulation/bios or Emulation/roms/arcade (the latter is required if you are playing through EmulationStation-DE)

Recreating this file whenever MAME updates will get you the latest list of which System ROMs require BIOS.

How to Determine if a Software ROM Requires BIOS

  1. Open
  2. Search for the name of the console or computer in the search box, respecting punctuation and hyphenation when possible
  3. On the respective console or computer's page, scroll down to Required Files, and click SHOW MAME REQUIRED FILES
  4. Example
  5. Place the file(s) in the list in Emulation/bios or the matching ROM folder (the latter is required if you are playing through EmulationStation-DE)
  6. For example, if you are playing through EmulationStation-DE, place in Emulation/roms/gamecom
How to View Compatibility for Software ROMs
  1. Open
  2. Click SOFTWARE on the left side
  3. Search for your console or computer in the SYSTEM box and click Search
  4. For example,
  5. You will see a full list of the ROMs for that respective console or computer. The circle color in the top right of each box is the game's compatibility
  6. Green: Supported
  7. Yellow: Imperfect
    • Some pages may explain the specific issues affecting the game
  8. Red: Not Supported

How to Determine if a ROM Requires a CHD File

Game ROMs for MAME are primarily .zip files. Some of these games require additional files to run. These additional files are primarily .chd files.

To determine if your ROM requires a .chd file:

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole
  2. Enter:
  3. flatpak run org.mamedev.MAME -listroms ROMSHORTNAME
    • Typically, the short name of the ROM is the file name. For example, the file name for Street Fighter III 3rd Strike is and the short name is sfiii3
    • You can also use to locate a MAME ROM's short name
  4. You will get an output similar to below: ROMs required for driver "sfiii3". Name Size Checksum sfiii3_euro.29f400.u2 524288 CRC(30bbf293) SHA1(f094c2eeaf4f6709060197aca371a4532346bf78) cap-33s-2 SHA1(5a090956fc6d68e496ac42854199059898f2fe16)
  5. The line without a file size or a CRC is the .chd file required. The line with a file size and a CRC is the file located within the zip file
  6. For example, sfiii3_euro.29f400.u2 is the file located in and cap-33s-2 is the .chd file required to run
  7. Create a subfolder matching the shortname in Emulation/roms/arcade and place the .chd file in the subfolder
  8. For example, with sfiii3, create a sfiii3 folder in Emulation/roms/arcade and place cap-33s-2.chd in Emulation/roms/arcade/sfiii3
  9. Place directly in Emulation/roms/arcade

How to Configure Controls on a Per Game Basis

  1. While in game, press STEAM and DPad Down
  2. Select Input Settings
  3. Select Input Settings (this system)
  4. Configure controls
  5. To ensure your controls are saved, press STEAM and DPad Left to exit out of the game
  6. If you press STEAM and use the Exit game button, your controls will not be saved
  7. Your controls will be saved as a file to home/deck/.mame/cfg/GAMESHORTNAME.cfg
  8. You may also share this configuration file with others

How to Add Custom Bezels

  1. Open Emulation/storage/mame
  2. Copy bezel files, in .zip format, into this folder, named the same as the ROM.
  3. Done.


Use the Bezel Project to locate bezels for your MAME ROMs:

How to Enable Shaders/Scanlines in MAME (Standalone)

  1. In Desktop Mode, open /home/deck/.mame/mame.ini
  2. ~/.mame is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders.
  3. Under the OSD VIDEO OPTIONS section, set video to bgfx
  4. Under the BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS section, set bgfx_screen_chains to the shader of your choice
  5. For example: crt-geom-deluxe
  6. Save your changes to the file


Other shader values can be found here:

How to Configure MAME to Work With EmulationStation-DE

EmuDeck installs both MAME (Standalone, installed as a flatpak), and RetroArch's MAME core.

In order to use MAME (Standalone), make sure your ROMs are in Emulation/roms/arcade.

In order to use MAME (Standalone) for EmulationStation-DE, make sure you are selecting MAME [Standalone] in the Alternative Emulators menu.


  1. In EmulationStation-DE, press the Start button
  2. Scroll down and select Other Settings
  3. Select Alternative Emulators
  4. Scroll down to Arcade and select MAME [Standalone]

How to Roll Back MAME to an Older Version

If you do not have access to a mouse and keyboard for the below section, use L2 to right click and R2 to left click. Alternatively, remote into your Steam Deck using one of the methods found in the FAQ, How do I remotely control my Steam Deck?.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole
  2. To see a list of prior versions of the emulator, type:
  3. flatpak remote-info --log flathub org.mamedev.MAME
  4. If Konsole prompts you to select system or user, enter 2 to select user
  5. Konsole will list a list of previous versions for the flatpak. The important line for each version is the Commit: line. The Commit: line will have a long accompanying alphanumeric string (the “commit” code). Copy the string for the version you want to downgrade to.
  6. Using Citra as an example:
    • How to Roll Back Flatpaks: 1
  7. To downgrade to the version you want:
  8. flatpak update --commit=put_commit_code_here org.mamedev.MAME
  9. Replace put_commit_code_here with the actual code you located in Step 2.
    • Using Citra as an example:
    • How to Roll Back Flatpaks: 2

If the above steps did not work and you are getting an error message along the lines of Flatpak not installed, your Flatpak is likely installed at the system level instead. Select one of the below solutions:

Solution 1: Open the EmuDeck application, click the Manage Emulators page, select the emulator in question, and click Reinstall / Update.

Solution 2: Add sudo in front of the commands written in Step 2 and Step 5. In Step 2, write sudo flatpak remote-info --log flathub org.mamedev.MAME and in Step 5, write sudo flatpak update --commit=put_commit_code_here org.mamedev.MAME.

How to Configure Language Settings


  1. In Desktop Mode, open MAME
  2. At the bottom, click General Settings
  3. Click Customize UI
  4. Click Language, select your preferred language in the drop-down menu

How to Use Cheats

  1. Download the latest cheat package from Click the XML/JSON Cheat Collection for MAME 0.### at the top to download the latest cheat package
  2. ### matches the MAME version of the cheat package which may vary depending on when you visit the site
  3. Extract to a folder of your choice
  4. ### matches the MAME version of the cheat package which may vary depending on when you visit the site
  5. Move cheat.7z from the extracted folder to Emulation/storage/mame/cheat
  6. Open MAME without a game loaded, click General Settings, Miscellaneous Options, toggle Cheats on, back out of this menu, click Save Settings
  7. While in game, press Select + R3 to open the Quick Menu, click Cheat Options, enable cheat(s)

How to Configure Light Gun Games

  1. In Game Mode, single click the game you would like to change the Steam Input Profile for, and click the Controller Icon on the right of the screen. Click the layout (whichever name it is currently set to) at the top
  2. Click the Templates tab
  3. Select the EmuDeck - Steam Deck Light Gun Controls profile
  4. Light gun controls will now be configured for this game

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