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EmuDeck guide Steam Rom Manager (SRM)

Allows you to add your ROMs directly to your library as if they were Steam Games.

Number of games

If you have a lot of ROMS it's recommended to use ES-DE instead of SRM

Launching SRM

You need to be in Desktop mode and launch the EmuDeck app, once it's open you can launch SRM to add games by opening the EmuDeck App and selecting Steam ROM Manager in the left sidebar.

Launch the EmuDeck app, once it's open you can launch SRM to add games by opening the EmuDeck App and selecting Steam ROM Manager in the left sidebar.

Slow to launch

While in Linux / SteamOS loads almost instantly, in Windows SRM can take several seconds to launch, please be patient.

Adding Games

SRM works by using parsers, every system has it's own parser, every parser will detect all your games

  • Activate / deactivate your parsers by clicking on them. Some systems can be emulated with more than one emulator, so make sure you don't have duplicated parsers selected.

  • Click on Add Games, read the instructions and then hit the Parse button.

  • SRM will now start finding your games and downloading its artwork, wait until the message Retrieving urls at the top is gone.

  • Click on Add to Steam and wait until you get a notification in the top right saying it has finished.

  • Now you can go to Game Mode / Big Picture and you'll find your games organised by systems in the Collections tab

Add more games later

You need to follow the previous steps every time you want to add new games, it's recommended to only select the parser of the system you are going to add games.

My games are not showing in SRM

If your games are not appearing it could be because you are using subfolders or an incorrect file format. Inside every rom folder you have a systeminfo.txt file that describes the formats your ROMS needs to be.